Monday, March 16, 2009

The Elections are Over, now we heal towards change and recovery

We did our parts in spite of the risk even to our own self, safety and integrity. We placed everything on the line because some thing needs to be done. Yet, we were victorious, we were right and we have persevere. Today is a new world, it is time to unite, get over it and live towards the present and the future.
Over the so much uncertainties, challenges and opposition beneath the odds change has come to America and soon to be the world.
Change is about fundamental values. It needs to come from own individual self. Only when we start to forgive the people that had question us, attack us, mock on us because of our believes can we fully start to feel the healing of repentance. It is just a mere acknowledgement of saying it is done and we have chosen the right man to lead the change.
Never before did we see a president that was not afraid of ratings, off traditional politics and most of all the giants of corporate greed.
To people that have question me I say, I forgive you but I also hope that you will start to correct what mark you have done. There is still a time to help and together we can still work together in healing the wounds.
Should we both succeed, I will do my best in my remaining time and efforts to ensure that our ultimate goal of education and helping the limited income earner succeed. If it will take me once again to stand in the town halls and podiums like in the past so that we can bring the inspiration and motivation for hope start booking the slots.
Yes, faith has a deeper meaning in life and it is about living the ideals that we all believe on. And then we can say that we live in land of great opportunity, that anything is possible in the land of the dreams.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Celebs supporting books through MSNBC Video

Thank you dear celebrities and great writers for acknowledging the importance of books as gifts. It came in the right timing that people need some value on entertainment amidst the economic uncertainties." target="_new" title="Celebs Come Out to Support Books">" border=0 alt="Celebs Come Out to Support Books" width=112 height=84>
Celebs Come Out to Support Books

All rights and copyrights belong to the original video owners and MSNBC where video was uploaded.

Monday, March 9, 2009

How does narrowcasting influence economics overall

If you look at companies that are continuing to stay afloat these days, the main difference is on the information building value they deliver. It is very similar with economics when we are targetting mainstreet from wallstreet.

The idea behind the narrowcasting philosophy is constant conversation with our customers and the people we are trying to deliver the message. In order to more express this in easier terms is just like what is happening with the financial and stock market world today. Either we go to the TV, Cable news and the internet on a day to day basis we see the arrows on the trading floors about the stock market.

So if someone was not financially educated then for them ok it's up today or it's a disaster again today. Narrowcasting is just like special companies on the financial markets or if you click on a particular category about money. Then interactively you will get more details and information on what is really going on. In some cases, some analyst and experts will described on what cause the markets to react that way.

This is why throughout these years what we have learned at is that we have to be personalized no matter what. Going virtual is hard because it's similar to just having a script or a call center operator with a specific answer to a particular question. Even with the greatest video and chat technology out available, I still did not believe in this because of the integrity of staying personalized. How are we able to know if one person thinks the same way as another unless we have so much information being a regular client. More often, people that asked questions are not familiar so we can just assume what exact answer we need to give just because the bosses have set the standards way ahead.

We also believe in permission based marketing philosophies which means that if someone has already informed us that they don't want to get further information then they need to be taken off the database. Another thing is that there are particular customers that want a specific kind of information that is relevant for them. Email marketing campaigns are great web tools today but it can only be effective if the reader wants the information.

As in the world of blogging today, the content must be highly targetted to alerts and notifications of the particular subject or blog. What is happening is that just because blogging has been widely spread all over the web as a great market niching tool, bloggers are either blasting with whatever content or feed they can generate so they can prove that they are updated and recent. The value of content has something to do with originality, creativity and passion. Believe me, even though if your blog is one year old as long as you are still updating it with great content so you can be highly interactive with your readers then your blog is still considerably successful.

Narrowcasting has also some way of empowering the reader on how they want to get the information. Either it be on the RSS, Atom, Internet, Live Stream, Text messaging or Live Feeds. It's just like watching TV shows. If we want to watch sports we go to sports channels like ESPN, if we want a public service information, we go to PBS, current events like CBS, NBC and Fox. Then sometimes we want just pure entertainment then we go AOL, Insider or Extra. How economics affects this is just like either which channel, radio station, newspaper and online you see the same advertisement from mega giants. There are ways to using narrowcasting even though certain companies have the only advertising budgets, they can always create a different way of reaching, be more creative and deliver reasonable content.

So in final, my take on using "affordable" must be living to the real reality. When is $100 and more considered affordable when there are so many people homeless and hungry on the streets today?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Some pictures of the recession


On a typical Sunday afternoom white walking at the typical busy area of the mission neighborhood on San Francisco, CA aometimes is a little depressing business closing their doors due to the economy.

The are a lot places similar to this especially as smalll businesses does not have the liquidity of bigger companies and of course not accessible for loans.
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Monday, February 16, 2009

The daily checklist for an e-commerce driven business

Staying in top of today's e-business technology is so robust that it has been an extremely competitive undertaking.

Like it or not, a moment of solitude in incorporating a daily checklist or things to do can be very fruitful. It is the unfotunate reality on today's marketplace as the internet has become a venue for global economics.

Thus a daily to do list can be broken down as follows:
1. What is your goal for today? Briefly describe what the impact of your goal would be and how it will convert to such goal.
2. How are you going to measure the success of these briefly described goals. Measurement entails that your goal is achievable and makes sense.
3. Which is first, second and third or how would you prioritize such goals?
4. When your goals are prioritize then comes the action plan and statement. Will this plan work for the short or long term?
5. Review, share and consult your team or others so that you are able to get feedback. Working through your day to day can be measured, quantified in terms of statistics and or orders. While brainstorming, reviews and feedback sets the tone so that you are able to get other opinions.

These are just some of realistic reasons why the case for bailing out the small enterprise and micro cottage enterprises are more sensible. This is because a small business entrepreneur totally relies on the success and lifeblood of their only source of income generation.

It can be more sophisticated in the corporate magnificence of big companies because of the enormous talents and innovations it has on it's team. But for the small guy, it is basically the sustainability for his family, friends, community and dreams.

Why not see and compare which daily checklist is more practical and has a call to immediate action?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Importance of Having a Focus Centered Business Model in times of Economic Crisis

As for any business to succeed the main indicator is always primarily centered on "How will the business make money". Secondarily, of course are the social responsiveness, community centered model and philanthropy.

However, in today's economic crisis the winners that will emerge shall be business models that have the ability to make the primary and secondary purposes intertwined together as one.

Over the years, we have slowly build our channels, web presence and brand while at the same inevitably showing our utmost compassion for human psychology and fairness.

We really struggle desperately because capitalism of course is not how our business model should be. Yet with so many business plans, start-up presentations and excellent communique's neither of the two are well ellaborated, not extremely clear but some can be compelling.

When an enterpise starts there is always a reason behind the founder's visualization on how it will create an impact to his/her own life, his family, friends and community. However, as the lifeblood is always cash flow, it must take into account the profit making generation plan it will do in order to sustain it's operations.

Yet, as we have seen there are web based companies today that are self-sustaining while building brand and ultimate multiple streams of income.

Sustainability is an important ingredient as moreover funds dry up even before it reaches the metrics it needs. Thus, is why all this time we have remained small, low profiled while we centered towards customer loyalty, retention and brand recognition.

Timing has been an essential part of our existence as we were always watching how the markets react, re-invent strategies and limited resources and proprietary allocations.

Thus is why we have centered on the vision of mentoring the youth in order to pro-create our clarity to our target. ADLE's mission of affordability towards limited income earners merely defines the purpose of our prime existence and focus niche over above competition.

We have also built the strategic alliances and partnerships we needed in our first round of brand building and recognition. And last - but - not least was our focus on customers through web technology and synergy.

Now that part of the foundation strategies had been planted, we now directly and indirectly plow on the fruits of hard work through the years. As expected, the exposure on aggregration and syndication we employ are through the auspices and generosities of our strategic allies and partners.

For them we say, many thanks and as we continuously grow our market niche at we will make sure that the expected income streams will be shared with you.

As together we will share the same fruits back to the community so we can more now strengthen our vision of mentoring the youth, the social activism and dedication in advocating for the plight of the limited income earners who are suffering in so great numbers today.

ADLE International believes that having a focus niche is our force but people comes first before money which is why we are here for the long haul.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Micro Cottage Enterprises the answer to halting the bleeding economy

If we get back to history from the great depression in 1929, the world wars, 70's, 80's and then the 90's dot com period - industry empowerment was a big factor. In such periods reinvigorating consumer spending and unemployment down the masses played a way to changing the socio-economic climate.

When the initial $700 B bail-out was rolled out, the goal was to boost consumer spending and lighten up the credit crunch depicting as resulted by the financial crisis.

The fact is the problem was very severe that even the great economists of times in the private and public sector have never seen anything like this problem.

Yet, if we go back into poverty stricken third world and developing countries then to the present emerging markets of today, respective governments and communities focus on the bottom line. The bottom line consists of struggling low income classes, home based enterprises and start-ups.

Considering we are seeing the mass lay-offs and rising unemployment scenarios, people are drastically getting creative and resourceful for individual survival. Instead of looking at the big picture towards industries creating the mass employment, just maybe there should be an exploration on the extreme opposite.

It is true that the prominent corporate business leaders can be a good resource but we have to consider a bit of their careers history. This simply means that if we have someone who has struggled as the simple working class that eventually rose to glory would be a good start. This is why I commend companies like who are pro-small businesses as they came from a small business enterprise. But if they are power looking business class Armani suit graduates who have never even experience working less than a sprawling executive then tell me how the heck can you even know how the common laymen is going through.

Economics 101 simply comes from the masses and the typical working class consumer. Instead of focusing the bail-out's into the magnificent industries like when we have been educated during the industrial age, maybe micro cottage small and start-ups maybe a good area to explore. Not only are these enterprises run by dedicated entrepreneurs, their families, friends and communities are somewhat part of their undertaking. And let us not forget that these enterprises have their typical independent small business association's and organizations who rally among-st their side.